Sixty seconds is a target time. Try building up to it slowly. One minute helps to develop endurance in the muscles used for the exercise. It is strongly recommended that children aim for a 15 second target time for each exercise and increase from there if able. It is very important to remember to do the exercises properly, then increase duration. Reaching sixty(or 15) seconds with poor form is not what you want to achieve. Strive to attain maximum rotation (stretch) during each twist. Please consult with your Physician prior to use.
If you find you are able to go longer, there is no harm in doing so. Additional time will help develop additional endurance, but first make sure you are doing the exercises with perfect form...full rotation (stretch) with each twist.
To start, you may rest in between exercises. Your goal is to use quality form and full range of motion. If you are struggling to complete the sequence, reduce the resistance and take time in between exercises until you feel ready to continue.
If you do too much too quickly you may fatigue the muscles which will keep you from doing a good quality exercise each time. If you feel you can do more without diminishing quality that is fine. Keep in mind, if you feel pain other than discomfort from exercising the muscles, you should stop and back off the intensity.
It is vitally important to twist through your full range of motion. Most of our day-to-day activities require limited movement of the wrist/forearm area. When you add in activity which puts greater demands on the range of motion, the muscle tendons and joint ligaments are not conditioned for the added movement. By doing full range of motion, these areas will be better prepared for the demands placed on them.
There are various factors that cause arm pump. The Grip Stik™ exercises help to address proper warm up, arm and wrist strength, and range of motion which can be one of the causes of arm pump.
The easier it is to turn and the more time you can go, you are developing horse power endurance. The harder it is to turn and the less time you can go, you are developing torque power strength. Try switching between them from day to day for variety and a well rounded training program.
Try the exercise with your arms at chest height or lower and then try it at shoulder height. You will feel the difference. Shoulder height incorporates additional arm muscles in order to do the exercise. You have actually added a bit of isometric exercise because of the resistance of gravity. Hence, you have additional benefit.
You have increased the blood flow to the muscles for bringing additional oxygen to the region in order for the muscles to perform. This increased flow occupies more space along with other retained fluids in a limited area which creates a crowding affect.
Repetitive tasks such as typing force our muscles to move in a limited way. Sitting at a desk all day is like a low level isometric exercise. This can cause fatigue, tightness, and strain. By doing the Grip Stik™ exercises, you will involve a greater range of motion which will stretch the muscles beyond the limited motion of the repetitive task. Therefore, it should help to prevent soreness, strain, and fatigue.
There should be no problem with them doing the exercise unless they start to notice tendonitis symptoms. That would be tennis elbow type pains or wrist problems. Since this exercise is not dealing with heavy weight resistant training, it is not a problem like a child going in and trying to do heavy weight training. Please consult with your Physician prior to use.